Toronto Airport

I travelled with my son by car to Toronto airport. There were highways with four or six lanes full with cars, going over bridges and circling around tower blocks. Everyone on the move.

I read in Toronto airport that forty million people pass through this airport every year. I looked around. People with cases were passing focusing to get to their check in desks or flights. Old, young, black, white, brown, women and men fully dressed or scantily covered were there.

People from every nation work in the cafes, shops, at the desks, in security check points and on the aeroplanes.

I arrived at my gate where my flight would soon be leaving for Ireland. I sat down and pondered on this place where so many people meet. Who am I in the midst of this sea of people. Psalm 8 came to mind.

3 When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained,
4 What is man that You are mindful of him,
And the son of man that You visit him?
5 For You have made him a little lower than the angels,
And You have crowned him with glory and honor.
6 You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands;
You have put all things under his feet

Gods love overwhelmed me. I felt like the little sparrow in the song His eye is on the sparrow.

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;

I picked up my bags and found my place on the plane. I traveled home without fear.

Twelfth Anniversary of having Cancer

I have good news for you today.
I thank and praise God for healing me from Malignant Cancer twelve years ago. There is no other God who heals and delivers one from death. He is Almighty God. He is my heavenly Father. He cares for me. I believe in Him and His Word. The way to know God is through reading His Word and believing in His son Jesus and receiving the power of the Holy Spirit.

Today is the twelfth anniversary of being diagnosed with fourth stage bowel cancer. That day twelve years ago was Easter Monday. We had just remembered the crucifixion and death of Jesus a few days before. On Easter Sunday we heard at Church the gospel telling us that some women went to Jesus tomb and his body wasn’t there. He had risen from the dead. There is no other empty tomb in the world.

I was now facing death. Would Jesus death and resurrection have any revelance to me and save me from death. What was I to do? I read in the gospels how Jesus went about doing good and healing all those who were oppressed by the devil. He healed all people who came to him from all diseases and delivered others from demons. The common theme is that He healed all those who asked.
I asked God to heal me. His mighty power moved to deliver me from death. God sent forth his word to heal me. I repented of any ways I had sinned, strife, rebellion, unforgiveness, bitterness and much more. He sent a prophecy through a friend that I would be healed 100%. My husband, family and friends began to pray for me. They had dreams, pictures and messages of hope for me. I was delivered from death. Brendan encouraged me, prayed and fought on my behalf for my healing. I would not be alive without his help. He used his authority to command Satan and all disease to go from me. Satan brings death. God’s Word says he comes to rob, steal and destroy. God answered Brendan’s prayer.

I now know the reality of the power of Jesus name and his death and shedding of his blood on the cross. Isaiah 53 says He was bruised for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquity and by His stripes we are healed.
In Jesus name I am healed. Demons, disease and cancer bow before the name of Jesus. I am covered by the blood of Jesus. My sins are forgiven. You too can be forgiven and healed by Jesus today if you ask him.

I seek to obey God. God promises to bless us when we obey him. In the last twelve years, three more of our children have married and sixteen grandchildren have been born. I am not living my life for myself. I know how I live will affect my children and my children’s children.

I have traveled with my husband Brendan to many nations working with him and telling my story of God’s power to heal. Greece, Canada, India, Slovakia, England, Iceland, Israel and Scotland are some of the nations I have travelled. I did not have any operations. I remain free of cancer . I have had check ups done and I’m still clear of cancer. I am Staying Alive. Praise God.

My husband wrote a book for me Staying Alive about my healing. It is available if you type in Then type in Brendan Mc Cauley. Books are available there. It is available on Kindle. If you would like a copy press paperback beside Staying Alive.
Thank you for reading my post today.

Effective Prayer

Mark 11 v 22
Jesus said to his disciples have faith in God. Listen to me. You can pray for anything and if you believe you can have it. All that’s required is that you really believe and do not doubt in your heart. But when you are praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins.

Let me pray for you.

Dear Heavenly Father, creator of the universe thank you for sending your son Jesus on the earth . In John 6 v 44 Jesus says no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them them up at the last day. Please draw whoever reads this post to Jesus. Give each one a revelation of Christ your son. Give them the gift of faith. And help them to pray to you, especially when there is no one to help them. Amen

Jesus Healed my Broken Heart

Good morning friends across the nations.
How are you today?

It’s Valentine weekend. Songs of love are played on the radio. Desire and hope for love are stirred in our hearts. Love is in the air. Will I get a Valentine Card? Does someone secretly admire me?

I did have those teenage dreams. I did get a Valentine Card. My heart was stirred with love. I had met my husband Brendan the previous summer. He is still very romantic, kind, giving and forgiving.

Fifty three years on my heart is stirred with love. Brendan and I were celebrating with some of our family the birth of twin grand daughters to Ruth and Stuart. It’s been a roller coaster week. Thank you Nora and Colin for the lovely meal.

My girls were looking down memory lane. One remembered with tears being bullied by the vice principal of her school. Another was caught by another school’s vice principal smoking at break time. Stresses and joys of living in a big family were recalled with more tears and laughter.

It hasn’t been easy for Brendan and I to rear a big family and still be alive. My heart was broken many times; children leaving home, difficulty in my marriage or sickness. My children asked me “Do you remember that?” as they recall some difficult incident. I was busy rearing the next child or making dinner. I wasn’t aware of things going on behind the scenes.

My husband thought if I had HRT medication it would make it more easier for him to live with me. Despite our love for each other we did have our difficulties in our twenties, thirties and fourties. So HRT was not the solution then or now. Forgiveness and love sets the captive heart free.

No I dont have dementia either because I don’t recall difficult times. I told my daughter a story recently about walking down my street. We moved here one year ago. It was dusk and I glanced through a window where the blinds had not been drawn. It looked homely. I turned back. It was my house! My daughter wanted to bring me to the optician to get my eyes seen to and was worried about my mind.

As I drove back home last night the reality hit me. My heart is not broken any more. Jesus has healed my heart. He was with me in all my troubles and he delivered me out of them all. He has restored my body soul and spirit. He had caused me to live to see my children’s children.

The scripture in Isaiah 61 is true. He healed the broken hearts and binds up their wounds. He gives a garment of praise instead of despair.

For anyone of you today who has a broken heart because of disappointment, loss or sickness don’t despair. Jesus is acquainted with your grief. Bring your troubles to His cross. He will pour in His love and heal you and bless you.

“Keep right on to the end of the road, keep right on to the end. If you are tired and weary still journey on round the bend.” Lyrics by Harry Lauder.

Turn the Hearts of the Parents

Malachi 4

The last paragraph of the last book of the Old Testament ends with

Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all of Israel. 

See I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.  He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents. Or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.  

0n the media this week we hear of a father and mother who were sent to jail for the neglect, torture and death of their son.  Twenty eight children have died in Great Britain last year, at the hands of their parents.  Those who should nurture and protect the young killed them.

Laws are passed in these islands to allow a mother to kill her young in her womb. 20,000 women needed hospital care after using DIY home abortions. The law of the land allows a woman to get a pill from the chemist to get rid of a baby in her womb. These mothers hearts are not turned to their young. Where are the fathers of these babies?

The laws of God, our creator and Father of mankind, have been broken. Are we headed for total destruction? Is very creation crying out? Man is destroying the earth, the place we are given to live in. Our very climate is changing. There is a pandemic happening over the nations.

God started mankind from one family when he created Adam and Eve. God destroyed mankind because of evil in the time of Noah. God saved one family, Noah’s. He doesn’t want to destroy mankind again. God has put eternity in our hearts. If we respond to our hearts we will find God. If we don’t we will be judged.

God hasn’t changed. God is patient with us. He is merciful. He is waiting for men and women to seek him and turn from their sins. There is hope for our hearts to change. God promises to send someone who will tell us where we have gone wrong. If we listen and believe in God one will be saved from destruction. One of the signs of change will be if we turn our hearts to God, to one another and to the children and elderly.

The beginning of the New Testament tells us about John the Baptist. He called for people to turn to God. He pointed to Jesus. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. Believe in Jesus and he will give us his Holy Spirit and power to live in uncertain times and we can overcome and be healed.

We will not live forever. There is a heaven and hell after we die. If we turn to Jesus he will forgive us our sins we will have eternal life. If we don’t one is faced with destruction and eternal hell.

Good Tidings

View from our home in Portaferry, Ireland.

Greetings to all of you.

Thank you for your interest in my blogs in 2020.

Look for the goodness of God in the land of the living. This promise kept me going on many difficult days.

My grandson Benjamin asked me the other morning, “When is the sun going to waken up”.

This morning the sun is arisen and beauty is multiplied all over the sky. Enjoy it from where you live.

Malachi says “May the son of righteousness rise with healing in his wings”

May God, the creator of the earth , sea and sky bless you and keep you and make His face to shine on you and grant you peace.

Bird Singing in the Night

Outside my hotel window

It is the dead of night


A bird is singing Is he announcing good news? Is he calling for attention. Like the multitude of heavenly hosts praising God. When the angel announced Jesus birth to the shepherds. Singing Glory to God in the highest. And on earth good will to all men. There is room for me in the Inn. In a soft plush bed Because He was born in a straw lined manger. The Christmas street lights are bright


Here is another comment I received from a friend who read my book. Very encouraging!!!

I received your book this morning and have read it already. Such a beautiful book and so well written. I have fond memories of Jacob, such a character, his image flashed in my mind as I read about him. And Kit mc Clarey, such a lovely woman. I remember you introducing us to the PHAB club in the old hall at St Malachys, good times and friends made.
But anyway thank you for giving me the opportunity to read your book I shall cherish it and probably read it again and again x