Choosing a Wife

Reprinted from a comment on Facebook.

Where does your wife fit. This is good advice for men. Often they want a traditional wife who cooks, cleans, looks after the house and children.

Life values change from country to country. This article doesn’t even address if you want children. Getting a wife is good but if you want children choose carefully.

  • When choosing a woman who works, you have to accept that she can’t handle the house.

*If you have chosen a housewife who can take care of you and manage your home completely, you must accept that she doesn’t earn money.

  • If you choose an obedient woman, you must accept that she depends on you and you must secure her life.

*If you decide to be with a strong woman, you have to accept that she is tough and has her own opinion..

  • If you choose a beautiful woman, you will have to accept great expenses.
  • If you decide to be with a successful woman, you must understand that she has character and has her own goals and ambitions.

Perfect doesn’t exist. Everyone has their own enigma, which makes us unique.

Jesus disciples were arguing among themselves who was the greatest. Jesus took a little child and said, however becomes like one of these will be greatest in the kingdom of God…

We need the Holy Spirit to guide one in the midst of the complexities of life.

His ways are not man’s ways.

Healing Is Thr Children’s Bread

Healing is the Children’s Bread

Thank all of you who read my recent blog. I am reminded tonight of a question my father asked me about my children when they were young at home and going to school.

Why are your children not sick? Normally children when they go back to school pick up various germs and viruses which leaves them with a cold or flu. They have to take a few days off school to get better.
As the depth of winter arrives, the dark cold days can sap one’s strength. My children seldom missed school. They were healthy throughout the winter.

I told my dad that we believe that God will keep us in good health. If our children are sick we pray for them and that they get well.

So for anyone reading this who have children that come down with every infection that is going around. Don’t expect or accept sickness. Rebuke all disease in Jesus name, take some honey and lemon, a good night’s sleep and all will be well.

That is how I believed and received health in our family.

The Battle Belongs to the Lord

The Battle belongs to the Lord

You haven’t heard from me for some weeks . My daughter challenged me tonight. “Have you written any blogs recently? You need to write about all your difficulties! Tell about the bad times as well as the good. “

In my last blog, six weeks ago I wrote about waging war against the principalities in heavenly places. I use the name and the power of the blood of Jesus to defeat Satan who comes to rob, steal and destroy. Well Brendan and I have been through a war since.

Brendan was admitted to hospital for tests. He got home again and is doing well. At the time our children were very conserned.

A few days later I fell and fractured a bone in my right knee. I have had a full plaster on my right leg for the past six weeks. I have been confined to bed for most of the days since.

My husband and family have had to look after me. Brendan has been my carer mainly, bringing breakfast and meals. He didn’t get much time to be pampered after his hospital visit. I appreciate their love and generosity. My neighbours are conserned. Back in September I was outside hosing the back alley.

I have had mixed feelings over the past weeks, depressed, frustrated and weak with sleepless nights. We had to cancel two trips, one to Slovakia and another to Greece. Instead of rest in the sun I have had rest In my bed!!

In hindsight all things have worked together for good. Brendan and I have been home to be with our son who needed our help and the knock on affect on the rest of our family. One of our grandchildren is facing surgery.

A friend of ours was in Israel when the war broke out. Thank God she got another flight home after her own flight was cancelled. Life is changing for me but also for the nations. There are wars and earthquakes as Jesus foretold. It is distressing to hear of war casualties.

I was reading a note I made earlier in the year. It goes “One can’t get through crises without God. “. I can say for sure I couldn’t have got through the recent storms without God. All our family have been affected. When one suffers we all suffer. We were not left without encouragement. Friends or family would call.

I was comforted in the night as I read from the scriptures promises of healing and restoration. I listened to a song by ian White. From it I heard the words “there is holy ground to walk upon, there is work for you to do, limbs will be made strong again. “

It is at times like this I hold on to prophetic words I have been given of hope and deliverance. These situations will pass. Faith is believing what you don’t yet see. God has helped Brendan and I in the past. He will help us again.

I told stories recently about a mother gull that was defending her young. That has been prophetic for Brendan and I. We are praying and defending our family from the attacks of Satan.
We will be victorious over his attacks because Jesus is fighting our battles.

God gave me a promise earlier in the summer. I was reading about Jehosaphat the king of Israel. A great army was attacking . A prophet came and said don’t be afraid. The battle belongs to the Lord.

I will be healed, my husband will be healed, my son ‘s situation will be healed, my grandchild will be healed in Jesus name. There is suffering but there is healing in being a follower of Jesus. And Satan is defeated by the power of the cross.

The Rain of The Holy Spirit

The sun is coming up. It’s s new day. The birds are singing. In every country I have been to I hear the birdsong every morning. Behind prison bars one can hear. If one’s heart is heavy the sound of the birdsong lifts one up. Life is all around.

Yesterday was Father’s day. If you remembered your dad on Father’s Day and got in touch well done. Better still honouring your father comes with a promise. It will go well with you and you will live a long life.

I was on holiday in Florida for my fiftieth birthday, a present from my family. I was talking to a lady in a store, saying I was from Ireland and that I had fourteen children. She said Oh your poor husband. She understood the difficulty of rearing a big family.

It was only when I had children of my own that I appreciated my father and mother’s sacrifice in rearing us. It can be too late to thank them or say you love them. Often people die of a broken heart, sad because of loneliness or not hearing from family.

Whether a father, a son or a daughter take heart. God promises to pour his Spirit out on you today. You need never be alone.

I joined with the birds in singing this morning. I remembered the chorus.

It’s beginning to rai-ai-ain-hear the the voice of my father-
He’s saying who so ever will, come and drink of my water-
He’s promised to pour his spirit out, on your sons and your daughters-
If your thisty and dry, look up to the sky, it’s beginning to rain!

At that first drop of rain that you start to hear, throw open the windows-
Call all your children together, and throw wide the door!
When the rains of the spirit are starting to fall, fill every vessal-
He who drinks his fill, will thirst no more!

It’s beginning to rain- hear the voice of my Father-
He’s saying who so ever will come and drink of my water!
He’s promised! To pour his spirit out, on your sons and your daughters!
You will find this song on U Tube

God sends the rain for the farmers to plant crops in springtime . I believe this springtime God is pouring out the rain of the Holy Spirit on his people. We are weary, sick and sad after the long lockdown. People need new hope and life and love.

Look up. It’s beginning to rain over you.

Please respond if this post is meaningful .

Abortion Debate

I went to The New University of Ulster to study Environmental Science in 1969. The first essay title was The Origin of man. I knew my lecturers wanted me to say that man was descended from some ape through evolution. Back then I definitely didn’t believe I was descended from an Ape. Animals and humans are different. Despite not getting a good mark for my first attempt at debate on the Origin of Man I went on to finish my degree and graduate.

A few years later I was married and was raising two children. A friend gave me a bible to read. I read the first page of the bible in Genesis. It is written that God created the earth and the first man. He was made in God’s image. God created Eve and He told Adam and Eve to increase and multiply and fill the earth. This sets us apart from animals. I now had something to tell my lecturers about the origin of man.
“And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:27-28‬ ‭ASV‬‬

It is because I read this scripture and believed it, Brendan and I have fourteen children. God helped us as we raised our children. We increased and multiplied.

I had a miscarriage when my baby was 12 weeks old. She would have been my ninth child. I saw clearly the unformed body, head, legs and arms. We put our little baby in a wooden box and bought a grave. We stood around the graveside with our other children while the grave digger made a small hole for the box. We prayed. Psalm 139:says all the days ordained for me were written in your book. I believe our baby even though only twelve weeks old is in heaven, where I will see her again.

There is much debate nowadays among politicians who agree to abort babies. What age a child in the womb should be killed, 12 weeks, 22 weeks or full term? I believe a child is created at conception. He is made in God’s image. I believe abortion is against the law of God which is to love God and love your neighbor. Not recognizing a child in the womb is not recognizing the God who created the child in the womb.

Jesus said let the little children come to me for such is the kingdom of God.

I’ll leave you with a statistic I read today. Sixty three million babies aborted in America since 1973. Ten million babies aborted in Britain since 1967.

The Wooden Spoon

Yesterday I was at a funeral service for an 89 year old lady. Towards the end of the service her sixty year old son spoke about memories he had about his Mum. He has been living in Florida for a long time.

He thanked his Mum and Dad for the “Wooden Spoon” referring to discipline his parents used when he was young growing up with five siblings. “In America people don’t know about the wooden Spoon”, he said. “My parents taught me values when I was growing up. I haven’t forgotten them.”

To live in a big family there needs to be unity and order or there will be chaos, each individual wanting their own way. The parents working in unity can bring about that leadership and bring peace to their family. There needs to be boundaries set and for anyone to break the rules there needs to be something done to deter any further wrongdoing.

Many families of old have used a smack with a wooden spoon as discipline when rules were broken. There is a saying “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” The Word of God gives us guidelines.

Proverbs 13:24
Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them

Proverbs 29:17
Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.

Proverbs 22:15
Folly is bound up in the heart of a child, but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.

A child will learn obedience when he listens to his earthly father who disciplines him. It will be easy for this child to hear from his Heavenly Father and obey Him when he grows up.

Jesus listened to His Father in heaven. He went alone to pray often. He learnt obedience through the things he suffered. He was obedient even to death on the cross.

Sometimes we go through hardship and suffering. Don’t despise it. It is our Father disciplining us for our good and teaching us to choose the right way to go.

Turn the Hearts of the Parents

Malachi 4

The last paragraph of the last book of the Old Testament ends with

Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all of Israel. 

See I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.  He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents. Or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.  

0n the media this week we hear of a father and mother who were sent to jail for the neglect, torture and death of their son.  Twenty eight children have died in Great Britain last year, at the hands of their parents.  Those who should nurture and protect the young killed them.

Laws are passed in these islands to allow a mother to kill her young in her womb. 20,000 women needed hospital care after using DIY home abortions. The law of the land allows a woman to get a pill from the chemist to get rid of a baby in her womb. These mothers hearts are not turned to their young. Where are the fathers of these babies?

The laws of God, our creator and Father of mankind, have been broken. Are we headed for total destruction? Is very creation crying out? Man is destroying the earth, the place we are given to live in. Our very climate is changing. There is a pandemic happening over the nations.

God started mankind from one family when he created Adam and Eve. God destroyed mankind because of evil in the time of Noah. God saved one family, Noah’s. He doesn’t want to destroy mankind again. God has put eternity in our hearts. If we respond to our hearts we will find God. If we don’t we will be judged.

God hasn’t changed. God is patient with us. He is merciful. He is waiting for men and women to seek him and turn from their sins. There is hope for our hearts to change. God promises to send someone who will tell us where we have gone wrong. If we listen and believe in God one will be saved from destruction. One of the signs of change will be if we turn our hearts to God, to one another and to the children and elderly.

The beginning of the New Testament tells us about John the Baptist. He called for people to turn to God. He pointed to Jesus. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world”. Believe in Jesus and he will give us his Holy Spirit and power to live in uncertain times and we can overcome and be healed.

We will not live forever. There is a heaven and hell after we die. If we turn to Jesus he will forgive us our sins we will have eternal life. If we don’t one is faced with destruction and eternal hell.

I am a Sign

About forty five years ago, my husband Brendan and I were having a drink in our local bar. The owner always enjoyed our visit. He would have conversations with Brendan. One night Harry gave me a bible.

I read the first chapter of the first book of the bible, Genesis. Verse twenty seven jumped out of the page at me. It says,

So created man in his own image. In the image of God he created him. Male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them Be fruitful, and increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it.

In this passage some facts are recounted. God created man and woman in the image of God. God spoke to man. These words encouraged me. My heart was thrilled to realise I am made by God and that he can speak to me on the earth. At that point in my life I didn’t know God can speak to people on the earth or that He can be involved in my life.

God was giving me permission to increase and multiply and fill or populate the earth. That day I read these words, I received faith to have many children. At the time I had two young children. I was hoping to have more children but nothing was happening. I prayed that morning to the God who created the earth to give me a child. God answered my prayer. I became pregnant soon after.

My life changed that day. I no longer needed to be anxious to get a job. God was giving me a job. And his blessing as well.

I went on to have fourteen children in total. He also speaks to me through his word in the scriptures. I hear his direction in dreams and prophecy. I am a sign to you today pointing you to God in heaven our creator who wants to speak to you.

All over the world God’s Spirit is moving. All over the world mankind in different nations sees the same sun and moon at different times in the day. We can see God’s handiwork. Wherever you are today look up to God who created the earth. He wants to speak to you. Talk to him today just as I did all those years ago. He will answer you.

Child Healed from Hole in the Heart

Back in July 2021 I got a phone call from a Slovakia lady who is married to an Irish man and lives in Southern Ireland. She heard about my healing book Staying Alive translated in Slovakian. Her friend back home read it. This friend asked my daughter in law for my contact number.

The book Staying Alive tells of my journey to being healed from fourth stage cancer through faith in Jesus. I believe Jesus heals today. When Jesus was on earth He healed all diseases and cast out demons. He told his followers to do the same.

This lady asked me to pray for her son of fifteen months, who was born with a hole in his heart. He didn’t sleep well and suffered from fits.
She was weary and in distress. I prayed for her son over the phone that he would be healed in Jesus name. I promised to send her a copy of my book Staying Alive.

In my book she read about my daughters doing a twenty one day partial fast for me. She started a twenty one day fast for her son’s healing after reading my book.

Two months on I got a text from her. She took her son to an appointment with her doctor. He had recommended that her son would need an operation on his heart to repair it.

The doctor examined the child. To his surprise he saw that the hole in the child’s heart was gone and his heart was working normally. The mum and dad are overjoyed. Their child will not need an operation.

Here is a copy of her text,

Hi last Friday Patrick had check-up his heart and we have great news: a Hole in his heart is close and is working perfectly.Patrick dosn’t need a surgery.God is amazing and the best our FATHER!ALLELUJAThanks a million for your prayers and have a good day.

This is a testimony of the power of Jesus to heal today.

You can buy a copy of my book from or Type in Staying Alive Angela Mc Cauley. Also from Kindle.