A Star in the East

Today I awoke before sunrise.  I looked out the window and saw a bright star in the East.  I don’t know if it was Saturn or Venus.  It was the only star visible in the awakening dawn.

I thought of the story of the three wise men from the east who followed a star to Israel.  Did they travel by night and rest by day?  How would they have seen the star by day?  Perhaps it was too hot to travel by day.  I don’t know but people have different reasons to set out on a journey.

Thirty eight years ago I set out on a journey.  Many people thought I was crazy including my doctor.   A friend of my husband invited our family to spend Christmas with him in England.  I was excited at the opportunity to have a holiday and our family of four to be looked after.  No Christmas shopping or cooking.

The only concern was I was due my third child on Christmas Day!  I paid a visit to my doctor to tell him about my plans.  He was surprised.  He strongly advised against me travelling such a long journey being heavily pregnant.  What hospital will I attend?  What if I start labour on my journey? He continued to persuade me to give up the idea.

He did not convince me.  I reminded him that Mary travelled on a donkey seventy miles from her home in Nazareth to Bethlehem.  She was heavily pregnant.  I would be travelling by car, a bit more comfortable than a donkey!  The joy of having a holiday outweighed any concerns I had.

The doctor did not say anything more.  He gave me a letter to give to the doctor in whatever hospital I was admitted.

Our family travelled by ferry to Liverpool and on by road to our destination.  I enjoyed the journey. My excitement kept my hopes up.  Our host took me to see his doctor.  He received me and assured me that I could attend the local hospital whenever I went into labour.  There was going to be room for me in the Inn.

Mary gave birth to her baby in a stable surrounded by animals.  There was no midwife or doctor.  No medical care, no pain relief, no comforts, only the breath of the animals to keep her and her baby warm.  Some shepherds were told by angels to go and greet the new born baby.  Some time later the three wise men from the East arrived bringing gifts for the baby Jesus.

Many women is poorer counties can identify with Mary.  Medical care may be expensive or non existent!  Having a baby is not a sickness.  It is a normal process of bringing new life into the world.

I knew for sure the same God, whose son was born in a manger, was looking after me that Christmas in England.  Our friends were very generous to our family.  My baby did not arrive on the due date, Christmas Day.  My husband, myself and two children had the finest of fare without a care in the world.

Three days later I started in labour.  My baby was on the way!  I gave birth to a healthy baby girl with no complications.  I was delighted.  We called her Nora.  She is an answer to prayer.  I already had two children, a girl and a boy.  But I had a strong desire to have another child.  I prayed and asked God for another child.  I believed God and said “I will give my life to you if you give me another child.”  I became pregnant.  God was faithful to give me another child and looked after me on my travels.

I am still travelling on a journey down through the last thirty eight years.  I have read in God’s word many other stories about how God led his people on journeys.  These stories have helped me along my path.
In that time I have reared fourteen children and been healed of fourth stage cancer.  God continues to care for me on the journey.  God is faithful.

Family Friday. People didn’t believe I had fourteen children

Prince William and Princess Catherine have a new baby girl.  Princess Catherine had no problem, it seems, giving birth.  She will be well cared for back in her own home with attendants at the ready.  Her departure from hospital happened very quickly before the media had time to catch their breath.

I remember my friend from India telling me how she celebrates her new grand children. She stays with her daughter for a month after the baby is born.  The new mother is not allowed out of bed to do any work.  The grandmother prepares lotion with herbs and essential oils to bath the new mother each day.  Special nutritious meals are prepared for the nursing mother.   After each feeding time the baby is settled by the grand mum, and the mother has time to sleep, rest and recover.  What a good start for any mum.  Well done.

Not only that, in middle class families in India each baby is given a servant to help look after the child as it grows up.   When I told the people in India I had fourteen children they did not believe me.  They asked “How many servants do you have?”  They just cannot imagine how I carried and gave birth to fourteen children, never mind rearing them.

Genesis says,

To the woman he said, “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe; with painful labor you will give birth to children.” (‭Genesis‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬ NIV)

This pain was the result of Adam and Eve disobeying God and were deceived by Satan.  I want to believe in God and obey him.  Through believing in Jesus I do not have to suffer the severe pain in childbearing.

Many woman are afraid of giving birth.  They are afraid of the pain.  There is pain when one goes into labour.  When I went into labour I rejoiced because my pregnancy was over and within a few hours I would be holding a new baby.  Yes there is pain but there is joy ahead.  I looked to Jesus as my example, who for the joy set before him endured the cross.  He suffered terribly on the cross for me to forgive my sin, my sickness and the curse of having pain in child bearing.

When I started in labour the pains would come irregularly, maybe every half an hour.  I had pain in my lower back but did not need any pain relief.  If the pains would come every ten minutes I knew it was time to go to hospital.  As the pain got more severe, I would stop and take a deep breath.  I would continue going through the pain taking deep breaths until near the time of the baby was due to be born.

I would ask for gas and air which relieved the pains of the delivery contractions that helped the baby to be born.   I had to have a pain relief while in labour with my first child.  For all the rest I did not have pain relief,  an epidural or a ciscerian section.  All my children were born normally and I didn’t need stitches.  Most of my children were around ten pounds!  Isaac was twelve pounds in weight!   Praise God.

Oh the joy of a new baby being handed into my arms by the midwife.  Each time it was amazing to hold new, perfect life.  My heart was always full of thankfulness to my Heavenly Father who gave us a reward.  ” The fruit of the womb a reward.”

The Lord gave me the “Oil of Joy” Isaiah 61, each time I had a new baby.  My husband and children celebrated the new arrival.  We believe children are a blessing from The Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.  We received each child in the light of God’s word.  I didn’t have servants.  My children helped me.  Brendan made sure I had nutritious foods to strengthen me.

I have a plack in my home.  It reads “Have courage, Have children.” If you are afraid of having a child, ask God to help.  His love will drive away all fear.  He will help you through the pain.